Author: arild



    in Zero images. Zero links. Webfonts for flare, a cute icon. Sometimes, a website should just be this simple.

  • A cryptocurrency-mining bot brute-forced into my WordPress site

    A cryptocurrency-mining bot brute-forced into my WordPress site



    Someone brute-forced into a client’s WordPress site and added cryptomining js. Good thing they knocked down an HTML div on their way out!

  • Fix SSH backspace coming out as “^?”



    When using SSH at FS Data, pressing backspace in Vim were coming out as ^? so editing files was a hassle. (I am on a Linux workstation btw.) I found a solution in the Vim documentation, via a Stack Overflow post. I just opened ~/.vimrc and added the following: :if &term == “xterm-256color” :  set…

  • Duplicated id="x" in WP Meta Boxes

    Duplicated id="x" in WP Meta Boxes



    I am building a very minimalistic calendar plugin for WP (an idea that doesn’t seem to turn out very well so far), and I got a cryptic JS error when adding JQuery datepicker saying “a is undefined”. I debugged this for a good two or three hours, until today I tried replacing the minified datepicker.js…

  • Customer-specified price in Drupal 7 Commerce

    Customer-specified price in Drupal 7 Commerce



    Today, I spent several hours messing about with the Rules UI and googling Commerce docs and forums, trying to figure out how to provide a field where the customer can freely choose the price of a donation-style product. In the end, I found pointers to a method which turns out to work pretty well. My…

  • Lenovo K5 Quick Review

    Lenovo K5 Quick Review

    Pros: Cheap Nice physical interface Decent battery life Cons: Poor camera picture quality Headphone sound quality poor when not loud (e.g. quieter parts of songs) Low speakers Internal storage not huge Moving apps to SD card is something I sometimes have to redo for the same apps Apps sometimes have their icon duplicated when they’re…

  • PhpStorm keymap in Ubuntu



    I am used to using PhpStorm on a Mac, but now I am with Ubuntu on a ThinkPad so the keymapping is all off. I want to use the Mac OS X keymap, but contrary to my expectation, pressing the Windows key does not produce the Meta symbol so I cannot access half the shortcuts.…

  • Easy SSL on NearlyFreeSpeech



    There is a technology that encrypts your internet traffic. It’s called SSL and it prevents third parties from snooping on what you submit on web pages – passwords and other data. If the website address you’re visiting begins with https, the site is SSL-enabled. Your browser will probably also show a padlock icon near the…

  • Single-machine dev mail setup



    I sometimes work on websites where sending email is a central task. To be able to efficiently test my code on my Ubuntu development machine, I have created a simple setup from the following requirements: No mail should reach the internet I should be able to quickly read every message that is “sent” from PHP…

  • Inviger äntligen min hemgjorda Kimchi



    Min pappa är galen i att syra grönsaker, och jag har länge velat prova själv. Jag ringde och frågade om ett recept på kimchi, och fick ungefär följande instruktioner. Notera att framförhållning och en lufttät burk är viktiga beståndsdelar. (För intressanta utläggningar om kimchi och annan fermenterad mat hänvisar jag till valfri Wikipediaartikel, livsmedelsguru eller…